RBG, a documentary about Supreme Court Justice, and Che-Na-Wah Alum Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be in select theaters starting May 4.
We couldn’t plan out of camp trips to see the movie in May.
But, Barbara and Allison already bought their tickets to see RBG on Sunday May 6 and would love if you could join! Lets try to fill the whole theater with our Baco/Che-Na-Wah Family!
We will be watching the movie at:
657 West 57th Street
New York, NY
12:00PM on May 6
You can buy your tickets here!
We can’t reserve your seats, or purchase for you, so if you know you can make it buy your tickets fast!!
Let us know if we’ll see you then!
Not in the NYC area that weekend? There are plenty of other times and places you can see RBG.
Check out all of the theaters here